We encounter several hundred acute stress responses throughout the day that is wrecking havoc on our body.
Over 70% of hospitals visits are stress related.
It is estimated that America businesses lose 200 to 300 billion dollars a year by loosing valuable employees to stress related symptoms.
A twenty year study at the University of London said, “individuals who don’t manage their stress are at a higher risk of heart disease. Its estimated that stress amounts to 30% of all infertility problems. More people visit the doctors office for Anxiety then a cold.”
The word stress comes from the Latin word stringere meaning to “draw tight”.
Stress is not something we should put aside and say let’s think about this at a later date.
Stress indeed kills actual brain cells that may lead to a host of major illnesses later in life. It shrinks our brains and adds fat to our bellies and even changes our chromosomes.
Stressful events can leave scars that last for a lifetime.
Meditation is a way to combat it.