A Simple Practice That Can Make You Happy
One of the single greatest tools for happiness is meditation, there’s a reason why it’s been used for thousands of years by eastern cultures. People in America tend to chase after getting six pack abs, rather then looking inside to find out what truly makes them happy.
Over and over again in countless scientific studies, meditation has been shown to strengthen the immune system, lower blood pressure, and build strong positive emotions. I hear all the time people saying, “I would love to do meditation, but I don’t have the time.”
You come home from work, and then all of the sudden your kids are telling you they need to be taken to soccer practice. So you cook them dinner and then rush them to practice.
Develop a strategy
I suggest you have a strategy of incorporating small two minute meditation’s into your life. Each, day you start fresh, you start with maybe only two minutes and then slowly work yourself up to more.
Meditation will build a strong and resilient brain that will protect you from future episodes of stress. As in any practice it takes discipline, but that discipline will pay off tremendously for the well-being of your health.
You cant expect to try meditation once and all of the sudden be the happiest person in the world. Start with two minutes, then go to five minutes, then to 20 minutes and beyond.
Here’s a very simple meditation
- Bring you awareness to your breath
- Inhale through the nose (or mouth) and expand the abdomen
- exhale through the nose (or mouth)and contract the abdomen
- repeat
Here’s four ways you can incorporate a two minute meditation practice into your life
1.In the office
Set up a alarm at the same time every day, to remind yourself to do meditation. Then put your phone on silent and close the door.
2.While waiting in line
I always do meditation while waiting in line at the checkout line (no one will know and you don’t have to close your eyes to meditate).
3.Waiting in a doctors or dentist office
I’ve been doing meditation for ten years, I meditate everywhere and not a single person has ever called me out by saying,“Hey that guys weird, he’s meditating!”. Don’t worry it wont happen to you! Just do the same meditation with your eyes open and focus on breathing from the abdomen.
4. In the car (parked of course)
I suggest you find two minutes to do meditation while in a parking lot. Or while your waiting for someone in the car.
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Just was wondering if you have ever used a prragom like binaural beats, or Holosync. These are meditation prragoms that help you take things to a whole new level by bringing your mind to a certain state,by using sound.I am a massive Bill Romanowski fan since your days in Denver. I have never seen some one with such complete dedication and devotion to both family and life its self. Your book is incredible and if I ever have a child it will be a required reading. Thank you for being a good, hard working driven human being. I have run into you before in person and you are very caring and centered. A huge pleasure to see you in person.I will keep my eye on this site and look forward to seeing what else is on your plate.Take care and stay healthy.Damon