Michelangelo was a sculptor.
He generally didn’t regard himself as a painter. Yet, he went on to paint one of the most astonishing pieces of of art ever created.
Its called, “The Sistine Chapel”
Prior to this, the only painting he had ever done was as a student when he briefly studied with Domenic Ghirlandaio.
The Sistine Chapel is a massive undertaking.
Its roughly 131 feet long and 43 feet wide… Not to mention, it was painted under extreme circumstances. Meaning, he had to stop a few times because there was a major problem with mold and terrible weather patterns that made the plaster not apply correctly. There was also, a major war going on and the entire time Michelangelo was painting he didn’t really know if he was going to get paid.
It was also, very detrimental to his health by breathing in mold and by getting severe back pain from painting in awkward postures. It took him over four years to create this masterpiece, he worked on it from July of 1508 to October of 1512.
Instead of painting in a easier fashion he decided to paint in buon fresco. Only a true connoisseur and master craftsman paints in buon fresco.
Not someone who is not a expert in painting…It is the most difficult method!!!!
But Michelangelo was stubborn and he dared greatly!
So go ahead…… Be stubborn and dare greatly on any endeavor you partake in!!!!
(Source:Michelangelo – The Sistine Chapel Ceiling Seven Common Questions About the Frescoes by Shelley Esaak arthistory.about.com/od /famous_paintings/a/sischap_ceiling.htm)