Since I was a teenager. I’ve had a one track fascination with the mind.
Why does this mind spin into different emotional states through out the day?
All spiritual traditions have dived deep into this question. Buddha used the word “Nirvana” meaning, “to blow out” in Sanskrit.
That’s a powerful word!!!!!!
Sufism used the word “fana” it means “annihilation” of the animal mind.
You don’t use the word “Annihilate” unless your going into battle.
Yogi’s use the word “manonasa” meaning “destruction of the mind” in Sanskrit.
All eastern traditions used different metaphors to describe how to use meditation to change the mind. Unfortunately, a lot of this knowledge gets bogged down with to much religious dogma. These yogis and monks were scientist of the mind. They formulated a highly sophisticated system of personal development.
Its called meditation!