The word “Ananda ” means bliss or happiness in Pali and Sanskrit
Its something we all strive for…
I happen to think meditation is the single greatest tool to achieve this emotional state with consistency. I use the word consistency, because it seems as if our mind doesn’t like consistency.
Our mind spins all day into different emotional states.
The eastern traditions use all types of metaphors to describe the mind.
The Buddha referred to the mind, “As a wild monkey running through the woods jumping from tree branch to tree branch.”
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Hi Robert,
I found your video because you were kind enough to follow me on twitter, and that allowed me to take some time to consider your bio and links. I like that you address Ananda on YouTube.
Question, please? I thought that ananda per se means bliss, which is eternal– so while we may say we experience fleeting pleasure or even joy, that is not ananda,
Perhaps you are familiar with the Hindu practice of chanting 21 OMs before morning meditation? It helps me to focus concentration on the 5 elements/breaths;/senses/sheaths–and then, if fortunate, to end thought during the 21st OM, approaching paramatman. (Mentioned cuz the final sheath before illumination is called "anandamayakosa'.)
BTW when I tried three times to login via your wordpress link, it is happy to take my slogin data, but then redirects me to sign on to other fora, and then back to this screen. Is that me, or is your link script acting up?
All the everimaginable bueftiaul Girls and Boys are within Gods creation. As well as all everimaginable amounts of drugs and their influence on the mind. There are innumerable Universes, with innumerable Planets. The Creation is just a tiny spark of Him and His Powers.Now . amagine to meet God face to face!His Name is Krishna, you can meet him one day by chanting his Name.
Ananda is a wonderful word!!!
In Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism it means Extreme happiness or Bliss. It means you wake up happy and go to sleep happy.
The key word about Ananda is "An" which means from all sides, this is very advance meditation work. Where you join every direction of outside energy and fuse it into your body. Buddha and Lao Tzu called this emptiness work. Buddha used a diamond to describe working with energy, Taoism uses Jade as a metaphor. Because that was a rare resource they had available to them.
In the Tibetan Traditions of Tummo meditation, there's a wonderful book called the Six Yogas of Narpoa which goes into great detail about these kinds of happiness states achieved through meditation and emptiness work. Tao Te Ching is a tough book, because its missing the verbal teaching to understand all the metaphors.
Om in the traditional Ashram training was used as tool/metaphor to vibrate vital energy in the body. In Taoism they use the word “Hng” its basically the same sound.
The key is not the word, its the vibration done in meditation. Taoist used it in acupuncture, herbal medicine, martial arts, and other spiritual practices.
I ended up holding this heavy orb in front of me. Filled with all of the knwdleoge of the world. Pilamaya Kola! Dear brother! Pilamaya, dear Tunkasila that guides me through the light. Guides me through all the pain of the world to neutralise negativity. The power to heal was in my hands. The feeling is indescribable. The closest word I can think of is unbelievable . I feel much more calm. There was so much tension in my chest beforehand. The stress; unbearable. It went away for now.